Reparent Your Precious Inner Child
Workshop Weekend plus 8 Follow-Up Evenings
March 27th-29th, 2020
This workshop is for you if you are ready to
Reparent your Precious Inner Child.
Deep within you resides your Precious Inner Child waiting to be uncovered, rescued, healed, protected, safe, listened to, nurtured, accepted and unconditionally loved.
Just imagine if you had this when you were 3 or 5 years old? It is possible to reclaim that time and reparent this precious part of yourself.
If you are willing to take this essential journey, what will you get in return?
- Pure Joy
- Spontaneity
- Fun
- Intuition
- Trust
- Creativity
- Healthy Relationships
- Freedom to be You... The Real You
What are you waiting for? Take my hand and join me in the adventure of a lifetime.
Facilitated by Kathleen E. Sims
Certified Relationship and Life Coach
D.D., C.H.T., C.R.C.
Kathleen E. Sims, C.H.T., C.R.C. is Co-Director of ‘Center for Conscious Living’, in Pleasant Hill, and the Creator of, serving singles and couples by offering revolutionary, Soul-based counseling and coaching, spiritual/cellular healing, transpersonal hypnotherapy, and Soul Mastery Workshops. Her work is mystical, yet practical, and promotes permanent change.
Thirty years ago Kathleen answered her Calling to help others discover their Authentic voice, claim their birthright of living their Soul's Purpose, and manifest True Love that promises to last a lifetime. Her personal experiences of having been blessed with two Soulmate relationships have inspired her Love Teachings.
Her background in psychology and philosophy has enhanced her mastery of many energy and emotional healing modalities, and a deep understanding of 'A Course in Miracles’ and Universal Principles. She has worked with the legendary visionary, Barbara Marx Hubbard, as a Global Mentor in her Agents of Conscious Evolution Program. A sought after speaker, Kathleen has co-authored 7 inspirational personal growth books - each of which has hit #1 on the bestseller list: the latest, "Experts & Influencers".
Click the Registration Button Below to Reserve Your Seats for the May 27th-29th 2020 Workshop.
Or Call (925) 914-0098 for Further Information.